Helping the person shine through the diagnosis

How do you show music's magic over dementia?

You get personal.


Playlist for Life helps people living with dementia by promoting the power of personal playlists. They want to help everyone with the condition – and their loved ones – manage dementia as best they can.

Our challenge was to raise awareness of the charity and encourage more people to curate a personal playlist. We had to capture the imagination of the public and enlighten them on the issues related to the condition, while maintaining the dignity of those living with it. Our media budget was limited, so we needed to utilise partners and existing channels to spread our message.


We knew that we needed to reach as many people as possible with an emotive and meaningful message on a very small budget. We created a comms plan detailing a sizeable audience that could be reached via social, email, and partnership marketing, then shared our message via Playlist for Life’s comprehensive partner base, audience, and employees. 

Dementia can change how people act, communicate and feel, but it doesn't change who the person is. For our creative approach, we put an emphasis on the person rather than the condition – the ME in dementia.

As music can be a very useful tool for connecting people with dementia with their world, their family, and their past, we used music-based iconography to show how music can really help the person shine through.

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